Thursday, April 14, 2016

We made contact

Tuesday was a good night.  I had stayed home from small group, the boys were in bed and Jenn and I were cleaning up a bit.  I looked down at my phone and notice a message on Skype from F's social worker.  She had been out of the office for awhile and was just getting on to Skype.  She wanted to know if we might be able to meet some time today.  Umm Heck Yes. Since the Philippines is 12 hours ahead of us today for them meant tonight for us.  We were able to set it up for about 30 minutes later.  We woke the boys up and everybody eagerly awaited the call.  We had no problem connecting this time.  We learned that F like to be called N and she is very shy when she first meets new people.  It was very exciting to be able to see her and we showed her around her room.  We hope to be able to have more conversations in the future to continue to ease the transition.  It becomes even more real and exciting every day.

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