Friday, August 29, 2014

Paperwork update

It's that time of year.  Time to fill out papers.

Just a week ago we got the news that it was time to update our paperwork for the adoption. It's been over a year since a good portion of our paperwork was written and approved so here we go again.  
  • Update our financial situation
  • Update medical physicals
  • Update our Child Protective Services forms
  • Get fingerprinted, etc, etc

Then on top of that, school is starting.  And what isn't better than 12 forms per child that ask similar questions.

Can you tell that I am just living loving forms these days?

And to make it even better, forms wouldn't be complete without a check or two.  YIPPEEE!!

But when it all comes down to the cute faces, this is what we do.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

How Long is the Wait? Part 6

 To get caught up on what this is about check out part 1part 2part 3, part 4 and part 5.

Time continues to pass and the goatee continues to grow.  The above pictures give you a good idea of how bushy it can get.  Most of the time I wear it in a braid now, it seems to be less prominent that way.  
In this picture you can see how long it has really gotten.  I am calling it a good 13 cm in a year and a half.  One of the things I was hoping for with the goatee is an opportunity to talk about adoption.   It has worked.  Usually about once a month somebody makes a comment about it and usually I mention there is a story behind it.  

On the actual adoption front things continue to be quiet.  Actually we got an email from our placement agency just yesterday saying exactly that.  It is time to do some more paperwork though.  In order to stay compliant we need to file an extension on our I-800A which means a home study update.