Thursday, May 25, 2017

Consent to Adopt

There are so many steps in this adoption process.  We didn't realize how many there would be after N came home.  It isn't bad, it just seems to keep going.

Last month we received the Consent to Adopt from ICAB.  This is a big step.  Up to this point we were just N's care takers and her official guardian was the placement agency in CA.  Now that has all changed.

We could stop at this point.  N is officially our daughter and I believe a US citizen.

We are choosing to not be done though and are in the process of readoption in VA.  This will allow us to do a name change, get a VA birth certificate and we will also apply for an social security number.  In all, this will likely take a few more months.

So we continue to move forward in this process.  We are now 4 years and 3 months from when we first got notice that we could apply.

Correction: I apparently I jumped the gun a bit.  N is still in the legal custody of the CA adoption agency.  She also is not yet a US citizen, just a legal resident.  This will all hopefully change in a month or two as we finalize the adoption in the Virginia courts.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Time in the Snow

Well this post is a little late.  N had her first experience with real snow.  She loved it.  Except for that time when her foot got run over while sledding.

The kids all got bundled up and spent a lot of time outside.  So much time they came in with frozen toes and fingers.  There were forts built, a hill to sled on and imaginary houses for all.

We all continue to have new experiences constantly.  As well as things are going we do get reminders that we are all still adjusting to our new family dynamic.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Post Placement Visits complete

Today concludes six months with N as part of our family.  That is an important number because it means we can now officially apply to finalize the adoption.  During the last six months she has officially been a ward of our placement agency in California.  We have now completed four post placement visits and will shortly be asking ICAB's consent to finalize the adoption.

It has been an amazing six months.  We continue to marvel at how well N is doing with the transition.  She seems to have accepted all of our family as being hers.  Now not everything is perfect. We definitely have our moments and everybody is still adjusting to the new look of our family.

This past week N started swim lessons.  She was very excited, very worried and then very excited again.  In the end she had a blast.  Although she does like to ask why a lot.  Why swimming lessons? Why brush teeth? Why is it time for bed? This is great though, because she also asks "what does that mean," a lot.  Like when we were driving home from swim lessons and she decided to tell me "that's so weird" followed by "Daddy what does weird mean?" Although her spoken language is great for only being in the country six months we are coming to realize she doesn't always know the meaning of what she is saying.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Many Firsts

It has been an exciting month and a half.  We have had many firsts.  N has seen her first snow, albeit just a dusting.  We have had our first Christmas, hike, the first swim in a pool and first time ice skating.

N continues to amaze us with her ability to adapt to all these new things.  We spent Thanksgiving with family in South Carolina where she met many aunts, uncles and cousins. While in SC N was able to meet her Filipino cousins for the first time.  We also were able to convince her to try the pool.  After some hesitation she decided she loved it.

Then it was on to Christmas.  There was definitely some adjustment at Christmas as we all learn what it is to be a family of five and are reminded what it is to have a five year old.
The first Christmas pajama.

The first ride in a convertible with Mama.

 First time ice skating.

 First New Years day hike.