Monday, December 28, 2015

How long is the wait? Part 11

To read the previous post click here.

How long is the wait. Well we actually have a pretty solid answer to this question now. It is going to be about 6 months at this point. To get you caught up just in case.  This series of posts originated since many people ask how long is the wait for the adoption.  At the time we didn't have a good answer.  There are many factors to the timing some of which are finding the correct match and government paperwork.  So I started to grow my goatee.  This way I could tell you how long the wait had been.  Here we are just shy of three years into the process and the goatee is about 19 cm. The growth has been stagnate over the last few months.

So here we are.  At the start of the month we found out that we had been matched with a little girl. For more info on her you can read our previous post.  With this development we now know that it will take about 6 months. The exact steps to the process we are not sure of yet.

We are all very excited about this surprise development.  It has been exciting to go through the holidays and think about what will be different next year.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

You've been matched!!!

You've been matched!!! That was the subject line of an email we received on Tuesday.  The first line of the email summarizes our initial reaction well. "I was completely surprised this morning when I came to work to see a matching packet from ICAB on my desk." This was from Peggy our adoption coordinator in California.  From there the emotions just kept coming.  As I read the background packet, attempted to call Jenn to let her know and just about every time I thought about it I cried with joy.  This was slightly problematic as I was still at work and knew I couldn't tell anybody yet.  The placement is for a single girl, F.  Although the placement is not a sibling pair as we had requested and hoped for we are both very excited and in agreement that this seems like a good fit.

We had just started the process of renewing our I-800A immigration form and our home study.  That process will continue and now there is additional paperwork.  This is all the good kind of paperwork and are very excited to be working on it.

Thank you all for your support in this journey.  It is far from over.  Please continue to pray for us, F, and the rest of our time apart and together.  You can also support us through our AdoptTogether page. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Thank you

Thank you

We are extremely grateful to all who were able to attend our adoption fundraiser, purchase online or donate to our adopt together fund.  It was wonderful working alongside Courtney Alexander and the beautiful items with Noonday.  If you didn't get a chance to see the jewelry and other items check out the following link.  Above is the bracelet that Courtney generously gave me.  It is the special adoption bracelet that they were selling in which $10 of each purchase went to help another family with their adoption.

I am constantly humbled by people's generosity.  I truly can not believe how many people are excited for us and are willing to share their resources in our endeavor to adopt.  Thank you!

I have shared with JB how receiving a gift is sometimes hard for me.  I love giving gifts but I don't always receive well.  And so I am learning to say Thank You because I am in awe.  I am learning to say Thank You when I don't feel worthy.  I am learning to say Thank You because people are amazing.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.  
Thank you for the support for me and my family.   
Thank you for giving out of your resources.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

#WorldAdoptionDay and Noonday Collection

World adoption day is November 9th.  In order to raise awareness Noonday Collection and AdoptTogether have partnered to help raise awareness and support for adoptions.  Noonday will be making an additional donation to a participants' AdoptTogether fund.

There are four ways you can continue to support us.
1) Please continue to pray for us and any children God has planned to bring into our family.
2) Join us at our Trunk Show. We are hosting a Noonday Trunk show on Sunday November 8 at 2 pm.  We would be happy to have you join us, just let us know so we can plan accordingly.
3) If you can't join us on the 8th you can still order online.  Visit make sure to select JB and Jenn Reynolds' Trunk show at checkout.
4) You can donate directly to our AdoptTogether fund 

Friday, October 9, 2015

How long is the wait? Part 10

Well here we are again. This post is a little later than intended.  It should have gone up in the middle of September.  At least that is when we hit our 2 1/2 time in this journey. So onto the question how long is the wait? We still don't know. We did have contact from our placement agency around the middle of September as well. It is always good to hear from them even if there isn't really any news.  This time it was simply "you are about half way through the wait."  Yeah, I think. That means that we have about another year and a half of waiting before we receive our placement, if all goes as planned.  We well know that not everything goes as planned.  

The goatee didn't have any noticeable increase in length this time.  It is still about 19-20 cm.  There are a few stands that are a little longer.  So that is were we are.  

The rest of live continues to go well.  J and G do ask when "the girls" are coming home.  They continue to progress through school.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

How long is the wait? Part 9

To get caught up on previous posts you can read Part 8 here.

Well another three months have passed, actually four since I wrote the part 8 post, since I last measured the goatee.  

For the goatee there hasn't been much additional growth this time.  It still is hanging out at about 19 cm.  On the adoption front things have been pretty uneventful as well.  We have heard from our placement agency twice recently but more on that in a minute.  The goatee continues to be fun as well.  Just today I was at the pool and somebody I hadn't seen in about a year said hi.  She said "I saw the goatee and said 'I know that person.'"

So Jenn's last post prompted an email from our placement agency.  They reached out just to say hi.  It was nice to have the contact and to know that there wasn't much to be doing.  As Jenn mentioned, our dossier is just hanging out and waiting.  That was contact one.

Contact two was a little more heart wrenching.  You may remember that we have said previously the hardest piece of the dossier to fill out was the form about acceptable abnormalities and the child's background.  This form was about four pages long.  It asked questions about what was acceptable in the parents past like history of alcohol use, mental abuse, physical abuse etc.  It also asked about characteristics of the children.  This section was even harder.  We had to make judgments about things like missing digits, minor abnormalities (not sure what that means), missing eyes, cleft palate, and many other things I had never thought of.  This was hard to do as we felt very selfish about saying no to certain things.  

Earlier this week we received another email from our placement agency. This one had what is called a list of waiting children.  This list is usually sibling groups of greater than three and children with other special needs.  It was suggested that we consider two individual children on the list.  They both have some kind of special need or tough history.  The entire document contained about 50 or so children or sibling groups.  As I looked through the list, it is so hard.  Your heart goes out to each of the children and you want to be able to say yes but at the same time need to make sure the fit is correct.  

When you have a child of your own, you hope and pray that the baby is going to be healthy.  In the end though, you know you are going to love that child no matter what.  In the adoption process you have a little bit of choice.  This is hard.  It can feel selfish to say no to somebody because she is not what you were hoping for in one way or another.  We will be praying about this choice and see where God leads us.  Ultimately, we will love any children we are able to bring into our family.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Active waiting

Active waiting

Many wonder what is happening with the adoption.  The easy and possibly frustrating response is nothing.
We haven't received any feedback via email.   We don't see if our paperwork has moved from one desk to another.
We don't know if anyone has even opened our information since we got approval 1 year ago.
I'm sure you probably are standing their with your mouth open.  "What do you mean?  Is it possible that your packet has sat in some file for 2 years?"- maybe.  I don't know.  All I know is that we are waiting.  "Is it possible that it will sit unopened for another 1-2 more years?"  Yep.

So I continue to learn patience.
I read to become a better parent.
I learn to forgive when I mess up.

I am a doer.  For those who know me know that I don't just sit.  I am always working on something.  And this is good.... sometimes.
However, I am learning to wait. 
To reflect.  
And to hopefully learn what God has planned for me.

I am learning that I need rest.  
I need reflection. 
I need the learning time.  

The time will come when I need to draw upon this deep rest.  
The time when I am active.  
The time when life tries to overwhelm me.

And so I learn rest.  
I choose to slow down and refresh.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Thinking about 4

When people think about their kids, they think about those who are there, or have been there.  I think about my boys... And the two others.  The two others don't have names, or genders, or specific ages  But they are my kids.  Not in the future, but now.  When I think about my family, we have 6 people in our family not just 4.

2 + 2

Friday, March 20, 2015

How long is the wait? Part 8

To read the rest of the posts in the series here is a link to part 7.

First let me start by saying thank you.  Thank you to all who are praying for us, donated to our adopt together fundraiser and those who bought T-shirts.

Well, here we are again.  You may have noticed that this post is a month late.  We decided to move it to coincide with our ICAB Dossier approval.  That was a year ago if you can believe it.  We have been on this journey officially now for just over two years.  It is a little daunting to think that it could still be two more years before the kids come home.  I think for me the thing that makes the wait bearable is knowing that it is going to be two years.  It was really hard to wait for the dossier approval. We had been told it would take about a month.  At a month we hadn't heard anything. It wasn't until about month two that they came back and asked for more information.  Once we were able to assemble the additional information it still took a couple more months to get approved.

It is fun to see the new connections that are made as we walk this path.  As we share with others what we are doing, many people share stories of their own experiences with adoption.  Some of the stories are of their own journey, others know people who have adopted and a few have tried and been unsuccessful.  It is always neat to hear what others have experienced.

As the goatee continues to grow, it is now about 19 cm, it becomes more of a conversation piece.  It is always fun to share the reason behind it and to spread awareness about orphans and adoption.  I will say I am beginning to get somewhat attached to it, or maybe it is just attached to me, and it will be hard when the time comes to cut it off.

Saturday, February 14, 2015



We are getting to that point where people often ask "how are things going with the adoption? You must be getting close."  Well actually, on our mental time line we are about halfway.  Yes that is correct we probably have about two more years until we bring any children home.  That is why we could still use your support.

Here are three ways that you can support us:

1) We know it sounds cliche to say but we do want and need your prayers.  We are in a good place right now but there are times where the wait seems long.  We also have come to realize that the transition to a larger family is not going to be an easy one, for us or the new children.  So please pray that God prepares us and the adopted children for a life together.  

2) We have set up a fundraiser through Adopt Together.  You can make a tax deductible donation on our fundraising page If you have any questions about this just let us know.

3) We have partnered with another couple, the Wicklines, and Fund the Nations to sell t-shirts.  We worked with the designer directly and are very happy with the way they came out.  The shirts will be sold as a pre-order.  However, there is a slight chance we might order a couple extra depending on how things go.  Since it is a pre-order they will only be available for a limited time.  You can order from us directly or from the site which we set up for this purpose.  All orders are due by: March 1st 2015.

Thank you for your continued support and interest in our journey.