How long is the wait. Well we actually have a pretty solid answer to this question now. It is going to be about 6 months at this point. To get you caught up just in case. This series of posts originated since many people ask how long is the wait for the adoption. At the time we didn't have a good answer. There are many factors to the timing some of which are finding the correct match and government paperwork. So I started to grow my goatee. This way I could tell you how long the wait had been. Here we are just shy of three years into the process and the goatee is about 19 cm. The growth has been stagnate over the last few months.
So here we are. At the start of the month we found out that we had been matched with a little girl. For more info on her you can read our previous post. With this development we now know that it will take about 6 months. The exact steps to the process we are not sure of yet.
We are all very excited about this surprise development. It has been exciting to go through the holidays and think about what will be different next year.