You can find part 1 of this series here. Well, it has now been 6 months since we officially started this journey. The goatee continues to grow. It is about 4 cm now. We are continuing to plug along. Actually this was a very exciting week for us. We have officially completed everything that we can do for now. At this point, the process is entirely in God's hands.
This is when the true waiting game begins. First, we are waiting on USCIS to give us approval to bring adopted children into the states. This, hopefully, will take less than a month. Once we have approval from USCIS, our dossier will be complete. Having the dossier done will really take everything out of our hands and the country's.
The dossier will be sent off to the Philippines and at that point we will have a one to two month wait for approval from ICAB (the Philippine government.) Then more waiting, possibly as long as three years. When I recently asked our agency if the wait was still three years, she said "ICAB hasn't said differently but I think the things they are doing to shorten the wait time are working." So, just like the rest of this process it is all God's timing.