Monday, March 4, 2013

What a week

We were at a Tae Kwon Do belt test for J on the evening of the 13th.  JB opened his email while we waited for things to get started.  He looked at his phone for a minute and then handed the phone to me.  As I read the first paragraph, I couldn’t believe my eyes.  It was Chrysalis, the adoption agency, writing to see if we were still interested in adopting from the Philippines.  ICAB, the Philippine government had given them an opening for an adoption slot.  What was so amazing is that ICAB had told all agencies in the US that they were not allotting any more adoptions until April 1, 2013.  The possibility of adoption was finally real and was happening a month and a half earlier than we expected.
We sent off the application on February 14th while simultaneously putting our house on the market that evening.  Our weekend was a blur as we stayed out of our house for multiple showings throughout Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. 
When Friday the 22nd came around we were in complete shock.  Not only had our house sold in 7 days, but we were officially accepted and were starting down the road to adoption.  We truly felt blessed beyond belief.  There are many steps to be taken both with completing the sale of our house and waiting through the possible 2-3 years until our kiddos come home, and yet we are excited and in awe that it all happened in one week.

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