It has been an exciting month and a half. We have had many firsts. N has seen her first snow, albeit just a dusting. We have had our first Christmas, hike, the first swim in a pool and first time ice skating.
N continues to amaze us with her ability to adapt to all these new things. We spent Thanksgiving with family in South Carolina where she met many aunts, uncles and cousins. While in SC N was able to meet her Filipino cousins for the first time. We also were able to convince her to try the pool. After some hesitation she decided she loved it.
Then it was on to Christmas. There was definitely some adjustment at Christmas as we all learn what it is to be a family of five and are reminded what it is to have a five year old.
The first Christmas pajama.
The first ride in a convertible with Mama.
First time ice skating.
First New Years day hike.