It it seems to be the time of year to express your thanks and reflect on the past 12 months. We are very thankful to have N as part of our family. Her smile, joy and excitement for all the new things is very fun.
She has enjoyed experiencing Halloween (above) and the fall leaves for the first time. She even helped me rake the leaves and compact them in the trash can (below.) G helped too!
We are just about at the three month mark. Everything continues to go well. N very much enjoys her teacher and learning. She continually amazes us with how well she seems to be transitioning. Things aren't perfect. There is adjustment for everybody having another person in the house.
Even during all this joy there is uncertainty. Being a white male I have not often thought about the color of my skin and how people react to it. Over the last week there seems to be more people who feel comfortable expressing feelings that are less than inclusive of non white people. As a father of somebody who is in this category, seeing this is troubling. I don't know what the future will bring but I am hopeful that our country can become a place that is welcoming to all.