Then came the first day that we met N. As expected both JB and I were full of emotions.

The orphanage was set up for our visit.
To JB's right is Ailaine (social worker), and one of the sisters. To my left is Sister Myra.
We began with paperwork to make everything official. Just talking to these ladies and signing the forms I was tearing up.
We were given a tour of the orphanage. It was so clean and the central area with playground looked like a great place to play.
However I was surprised that I didn't cry when N walked into the room. I think I was mostly in awe.
I love the expression on the boys faces. They are both so excited.
More than the cleanliness of the orphanage I could feel the love. We got to meet all of the teachers and nuns who have taken care of N over the years. They all loved N so well. This was such a blessing to know. I teared up most when I met each one of the caregivers knowing that they were saying goodbye to one of their children.
They threw a party as a send off for N. She was able to play with all of her friends for one last time and say goodbye.
(That's Jack wearing one of my shirts. We didn't think to buy him a nicer shirt for church because we thought we would have our bag back... oh well. We got the bag back late on Sunday thanks to JB taking a taxi to and from the airport).
N was quiet the first few days but we could see a little bit of her personality come out as she began to play with the boys.
Later on Sunday after the entrustment we had the opportunity to go to a butterfly santuary while still in the city. This was something that we thought all of the kids would enjoy and give us a chance to build some memories.
N was very brave and wanted to hold the caterpillar and butterflies just like her big brothers.
N was very brave and wanted to hold the caterpillar and butterflies just like her big brothers.